by Daniel Schou
Welcome to Pen and Barbell, a site that offers a personal guidance on how you can achieve a sculptured, statuesque and muscularly defined physique.
/Daniel Schou
First of all go to the about page where I clearify what the Pen and barbell ideal is. When you have read the content on that page you will know what you can expect to gain from visiting
I also recommend you to visit the gallery, where you will find the Pen and barbell ideal thouroughly illustrated in a way that I hope will induce you to take further action, both here on and in the gym.
If you are new to strength training and muscle building I recommend these two articles to begin with:
Article No 1: 9 irresistible reasons to start lifting weights
Fuel your workout motivation by reading about the benefits of weight training. Learn the many reasons why you should go to the gym.
Article No 2: The beginner's month.
Use this workout program to get started. It is fun, it sets you on course to results and it lets you experience different aspects of gym training already from week 1.
If getting a sixpack is a priority for you then make sure to read my article 3 exercises for well-chiseled abs.
Now you know what I aim to help you with through my writing here at To get a quick feel of what I am offering I now recommend you to read one of my more explicitly workout oriented articles, for example my piece on different abs exercises, that you can find here - or my piece on biceps exercises that you can find here. I also recommend you to read the article where I describe and exemplify the principles that, if put together, forms my workout philosophy and my approach to training. That article is named 7 workout principles that ensures results in the gym and you can find it here. These articles further elaborates on the what the Pen and barbell ideal is and guides you to some fundamental principles that when absorbed will help you take action and start pursuing a chiseled physique of your own.
Once you have aquinted yourself with the pen and barbell ideal it is my hope that you will make your regular place to visit whenever in need for inspiration or advice on how to best continue your strive for a strong and aesthetically impressive physique. Under Latest you can easily check out what my most recent posts are all about.
The Pen and barbell ideal favours the chiseled look. At you will get the tools you need to pursue this ideal.
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Founder and author of P & B
All photos are taken by
The model in all the pictures is