Great and underused exercises, part 2
Today I’ll continue my listing and commenting on what I consider to be great but underused exercises. Make use of these exercises if you...

A protein drink in the style of the golden era
Development is a fine thing. We don’t want to live in a stale universe where things just remain the same, do we? No. We don’t. We want...

Great and underused exercises, part 2
Today I’ll continue my listing and commenting on what I consider to be great but underused exercises. Make use of these exercises if you...

Arnold presses: a recommended shoulder exercise
Arnold shoulder presses Introduction I'm going to expand heavily on the number of exercises articles here at In the...

Don't forget shoulder day
11/11-2015 There is a lot of talk online about the importance of leg day. There is an urge not to become somebody who has a muscular...

A wave of endorphins
10/8-2015. Today I am enjoying a wave of endorphins stirred up by the following shoulder workout routine: 1. Standing Military presses,...