10 pounds of muscle gains - followed by a new approach
31/8-2015 10 pounds of muscle gains – and now I’m changing my routine Today I abandoned the high volume approach that I have been...

41 intense and varied sets
27/8 Today’s workout was intense and varied: Hanging leg raises, feet to the bar, 3x8 Triceps push-downs, 1-handed, 5x12/arm. Inclined...

Calisthenics en masse
21/8-2015 Today I made a point out of not using either dumbbell or barbell. Instead I relied solely on my own body weight for resistance....

A sore rest day following a Nubret-styled arms-routine
18/8 Today is rest day - and I sure need it after having put myself through some heavy volume training the last couple of weeks....

Mixing it up - calisthenics collides with 5x5
Today's workout session was all about mixing it up. After having trained with high volume for the last few weeks, keeping most sets in...

A wave of endorphins
10/8-2015. Today I am enjoying a wave of endorphins stirred up by the following shoulder workout routine: 1. Standing Military presses,...

A German Volume Training session followed by a lunch offering the most healthy vegetable in the worl
3/8-2015. I couldn´t think of a better way to start the new week than to treat myself with a German Volume Training leg session. The...

The Pen and Barbell routine, Part 1
NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED TODAY! I will henceforth make it an occasional habit to share my own workout routines here at Penandbarbell.com....

Beginner's month - a workout routine that will make you fall in love with the gym experience
NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED TODAY! If you are new to weight training and burdened by questions on how to best get started, then this is the...