1 new photo and 7 principles
25/9-2015 There is a NEW PHOTO in the black and white gallery. And there are always reasons to read the article where I list and...

Pulsating temples
19/9-2015 Today's workout session was a matter of the heart. I made my comeback on the treadmill, after more than 6 months’ of...

Hard to go easy
9/9-2015 In a recent post (31/8) I said I was going to spend the next few weeks working out in accordance with the following guidelines:...

Ripped without cardio and excessive dieting
7/9-2015 Read this article and learn how I have stayed ripped and vascular all year round for more than a deade without any cardio and...

A connoisseur of good pain
5/9-2015 The other day I was having coffee with a friend. When I commented on my soreness – which was the result of an intense chest...

A fascinating case of soreness
3/9-2015 To say that I’m sore today probably won’t raise any eyebrows. A gym addict that advocates high intensity training and regards...

10 pounds of muscle gains - followed by a new approach
31/8-2015 10 pounds of muscle gains – and now I’m changing my routine Today I abandoned the high volume approach that I have been...

A matter of lifestyle
29/8-2015 I'm having a rest day. For me that doesn´t mean sitting still - on the contrary, my "rest days" are, more often than not, very...

41 intense and varied sets
27/8 Today’s workout was intense and varied: Hanging leg raises, feet to the bar, 3x8 Triceps push-downs, 1-handed, 5x12/arm. Inclined...

3 NEW PHOTOS in the gallery
There is now 3 NEW PHOTOS in Penandbarbell's black and white photo gallery.