3 fitness trends that we will smile at in a few years
NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED TODAY. Today I published a new article. It is named 3 fitness trends that we will smile at in a few years....

Calisthenics en masse
21/8-2015 Today I made a point out of not using either dumbbell or barbell. Instead I relied solely on my own body weight for resistance....

9 NEW PHOTOS in the Penandbarbell.com photo gallery
There are now 9 NEW PHOTOS in the Penandbarbell.com photo gallery. 4 of these additions are to be found in the Latin Gallery & 5 of them...

A sore rest day following a Nubret-styled arms-routine
18/8 Today is rest day - and I sure need it after having put myself through some heavy volume training the last couple of weeks....

NEW PHOTOS in the gallery!
There are now 5 NEW PHOTOS in the Penandbarbell.com photo gallery, which you can find here:

Mixing it up - calisthenics collides with 5x5
Today's workout session was all about mixing it up. After having trained with high volume for the last few weeks, keeping most sets in...

Spreading the wings - pullups vs. lats Pulldowns
14/8-2015. I perform pull-ups almost every time I train my back muscles. The exercise is a cornerpillar in my back routine. I often...

NEW PHOTOS added to the gallery!
13/8-2015. There are SIX NEW PHOTOS in the gallery. Three of them are to be found in The Latin Gallery and the other three are to be...

The Rep-Free Workout
NEW ARTICLE PUBLISHED TODAY. It is named "The Rep-Free Workout". It is not what it sounds like. You can find it here. #TrainingPhilosophy

A wave of endorphins
10/8-2015. Today I am enjoying a wave of endorphins stirred up by the following shoulder workout routine: 1. Standing Military presses,...